Ron Palos Ron Palos

Music That Rips #5

Happy Sunday!

I’d like to share 3 songs that have been in heavy rotation this week, especially given the chilly weather here in our side of South Texas.

You can check out the playlist here on YouTube >>>> MTR Blog #5 Playlist

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Ron Palos Ron Palos

MTR #4

What are we currently listening to???

Mike - Metallica - “Kill ‘em All” - Motorbreath

“I always dug the main riff. It was one of those first things you learn on guitar for the first time. There’s nothing like wielding the power of Metallica on your fingertips! Recently I was watching Shorts on YouTube and came across Dave Mustaine saying how a good majority of those riffs off of Kill ‘em all and how he contributed a lot of those ideas in the initial Metallica beginnings. It gave me a newfound appreciation for Dave Mustaine. I recommend checking out any of his videos on his guitar playing. Metallica was definitely a big influence on my music development and songwriting, but Rush takes the cake.”

Ron - “Been FINALLY giving my Turnstile ‘Glow On” LP a spin and I regret waiting this long to do so. I’ve heard soooo much about this band and I finally get the hype. This album is currently on heavy rotation. Highly recommend. I really like the hardcore-punk inspired take but with really unique, no-nonsense arrangements that take you in and out of the musical ideas they project.”

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Ron Palos Ron Palos

Music That Rocks #3

Reflecting on Good Vibes: Music That Rocks' Farewell to 2023

As the year winds down and we stand on the brink of a transition into 2024, it's time to reflect on the moments that made our hearts beat to the rhythm of life. Grateful for another journey around the sun, Music That Rocks extends heartfelt wishes for a joyous New Year to all our readers. With anticipation in our hearts, we eagerly await the unfolding of new stories in the chapters that lie ahead.

In the spirit of gratitude and celebration, we take a moment to appreciate the music that has been the soundtrack to our lives throughout the past year. These tunes have been more than just notes and beats; they have been the companions to our highs and lows, the anthems to our adventures, and the solace in moments of solitude.

As we bid farewell to 2023, Music That Rocks invites you to join us in reminiscing about the songs that colored our experiences. From the electrifying beats that fueled late-night escapades to the soulful melodies that provided comfort during quiet introspection, each track holds a special place in the tapestry of our memories.

To our dedicated readers, thank you for being part of this musical journey. Your passion for music has fueled our own, and we are excited to continue sharing the beats and rhythms that resonate with our collective souls. As the clock strikes midnight and we welcome the New Year, let's carry the spirit of these songs with us into the future.

As we eagerly anticipate the untold stories and undiscovered melodies that 2024 holds, Music That Rocks wishes you a Happy New Year. May the coming days be filled with harmony, rhythm, and the unwavering beat of life. Cheers to the music that connects us all, and here's to the chapters yet to be written.

So, let the music play, let the memories linger, and let the New Year be a symphony of hope, joy, and endless possibilities. Music That Rocks is ready for the next verse, and we hope you'll continue this melodic journey with us.

Happy New Year!

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Ron Palos Ron Palos

Music that rocks #2

Embark on a transformative journey with MTR as we extend an exclusive invitation to the vibrant community of musicians and artists. Join us in crafting a symphony of purpose, weaving musical threads into the rich tapestry of the San Antonio Arts scene. Together, let's harmonize through community outreach and philanthropy, laying the groundwork for a future where the Arts flourish in our community and culture. Your creativity is the key to unlocking a legacy – seize the opportunity to make a lasting impact. The stage is set, and the call is yours to answer. MTR awaits your unique melody in the grand composition of cultural enrichment.

Contact us to feature your Art and Business on our blog!

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Ron Palos Ron Palos

Music That Rocks - #1

It all begins with an idea.

Music That Rocks is dedicated to the sights, sounds, ideas, and culture of the people who reside in San Antonio, Texas. It is made by the people, about the people, for the people to serve as a pillar in time forever recording the way of life and times of the countdown city. This isn’t about any one person per say but rather to build a collection of ideas about us. Music that rocks will highlight and indulge readers to seek further and never forget.

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